Thursday, April 5, 2007

Orange Juice Incident

I don't know about others, but I think this to be an incident ...

Just keep in mind that, as my boss says: 'We are all allowed, to a certain extent, our eccentricities'. He also says: 'There are just some things grown men are not supposed to do'.

At any rate, as the awful truth goes, we had a meeting with all us workers sitting around one big table and three bosses, let's call them Heads of Departments, sitting around the table with us. Just a general meeting about things that are supposed to be happening, that often never happen, and things we all need to be aware of over the coming months.

One of the office assistants brings in a couple of bottles of orange juice, the 1.5 liter kind, and some paper cups. Both bottles are opened and far more orange juice is poured out and passed around then was required. So, needless to say, everyone got a cup or two.

As soon as the meeting was over, most people left the room and went about their business.

I presumed that the orange juice would then go back for the office assistants to enjoy, or perhaps go to one of the Heads. However, before this could happen one of the other workers starts rounding up all the poured out cups of orange juice. After all the cups were collected, he starts pouring all the orange juice back into one of the bottles. He ends up getting a full bottle of orange juice out of it.

The worker then starts to walk off with the bottle when one of the senior Heads asks him "You going to be taking that home, are you?". He just laughs, and smiles, and says: "You betcha!"

Later on in the day, I am shown the full bottle of orange juice. I make my comments on it, about it probably should be going to the office assistants or to one of the Heads. A look of disgust and disdain came over the other guys face, and he blew off those comments.

The guy then asks me how much it would cost to buy such a bottle at the local supermarket. I tell him it'd be about $2. This pleases him no end, since that is the cost of the bus fare he had to pay to come and go from work that day. (So, after the post below, guess he is paying for the bus ride now). He also added that his wife would be taken by the concept, of the 'orange juice incident' equating to a free bus ride. I suppose she would since the only phrase I heard out of her mouth for the first several months was "It's just so expensive! Everything, is just so expensive."

1 comment:

white4ever said...

Wow,, I'm surprised to hear about this kind of scrooge. I guess even Korean Ajumma wouldn't do such a thing. He should change his mind about money thing. And his wife,too.
I am also conscious of money but I try not to be obsessed with it. We earn money for better living, we don't live our life for money.